Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The ikea quilt

This quilt just went out to a good friend.  She was actually the person to introduce me to Ikea stores; she was a big fan, and had named her cat Ikea.  We lost touch over the years, but recently connected again on Facebook.  I made her this quilt, pulled together with 5 inch squares from 2 charm packs of Spa, by Deb Strain for Moda, together with solids from Kona in white and Pacific.

The quilting is a loose stipple, to keep the drape nice and get 'er done.  I chose a bright yellow backing and binding, just to break up all that blue.

True disclosure-- the blue kona ran dreadfully in the wash.  I did use a color catcher, but even so, there was a lot of bleed into the charms.  A long soak and an second run through the wash with 2 color catchers helped some, but even then, the color catchers were fully saturated with blue dye.  I've had such a good track record with no issues from using unwashed fabrics, this was kind of frustrating, specially since it was intended to be a gift.

As for the photographs-- well, it's been raining a lot here, so an outdoor shot wasn't going to happen. But where better to photograph the Ikea Quilt than in front of a fully loaded Expedit shelving unit, with assorted Ikea storage boxes and products kin of in view?

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